Saturday, August 13, 2005

Day 47: Houseflies

Sorry I have been been incommunicado the last few days. We have been preparing open the new Gag Reflex show DESPERATE HOUSEFLIES. This period is really a test for me, not so much the eating, but the blogging. This blog is supposed to be the center point of this diet. It keeps me focused and it keeps me honest. And to be honest, I have lost my focus with it and for that I am sorry.

The eating is going fine. Probably not as many vegetables as I should, mostly because I need to take a trip to the grocery store. I am still having trouble believing that it's been over a month and a half since I have had any fast food. I take that back, on a particular night before rehearsal Millie wanted Burger King. I had one of their Morning Star veggie burgers, which was slightly defeated by the mayo they put on it. I scraped off what I could. Later when I loaded it into it wasn't too bad calorie wise. So that's an option if stopping and having Burger King is a must for somebody else.

That's one of my big things. I don't want anybody to change their habits because I need to change mine. I hate when people try to do that. I've quit drinking so you should quit drinking. People keep apologizing for discussing food or eating food. fo Christsake. It's like they think I'm Sylvester in that cartoon where he gives up birds and then kisses Tweety, tastes him, kisses him again and again and then turns into a snarling birdivore again. I won't freak out and kill you for your McChicken, I swear.

I WILL talk to you all tomorrow!


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