Day 37: Standing In The Middle Of A Long Desert Road Looking At A Map
Again with the motivation. I managed the third belt hole, the one I cal #4. It was a bit of a stretch, but I did it. It promptly went back to hole 3 after lunch. Back somewhat into the routine. I'm having a hard time getting a handle on where I am with this. Miami seems to have thrown me a bit. It loosened the nuts on my resolve somewhat. Since I had my Cuban night and didn't lose any noticable ground, I am fighting my mind which is now working to convince me that slippage is fine.
I need to think about that January sales meeting. I need to think about that next belt hole. I need to get in for my blood test and up my thyroid medication. I need to know the next step. It's like Miami was a milestone. It was the first chunk of the year. It was a dividing point. Now I need to find which way the next goal is. I need to do something different in the way of exercise I think. My knee is still bothering me, so I haven't done much in the last two days. But still, I need to grab something and move with it. I wish I still had my drum kit. More than that, I wish I was still playing drums in JACK. That was a friggin workout. Best shape I was ever in was a direct result of Jack drumming and of course the "break up" in 96, which some readers may be familiar with and others don't really want to know.
So, where to go next... hmmmm....
I need to think about that January sales meeting. I need to think about that next belt hole. I need to get in for my blood test and up my thyroid medication. I need to know the next step. It's like Miami was a milestone. It was the first chunk of the year. It was a dividing point. Now I need to find which way the next goal is. I need to do something different in the way of exercise I think. My knee is still bothering me, so I haven't done much in the last two days. But still, I need to grab something and move with it. I wish I still had my drum kit. More than that, I wish I was still playing drums in JACK. That was a friggin workout. Best shape I was ever in was a direct result of Jack drumming and of course the "break up" in 96, which some readers may be familiar with and others don't really want to know.
So, where to go next... hmmmm....
Motivation is such a hard thing. So are the delusions that we allow ourselves o believe. A little slippage can take us a long way backwards. The people I know who have been successful in the long run are people who eventually figured out that even a little slippage was a bad thing and didn't allow themselves the luxury of a beer or one high fat food. They knew that, to an obese person, food was like alcohol to a recovering drunk. One drink and they are right back where they started. As soon as you allow yourself that little treat or tell yourself that one big mac can't hurt anything, you are right back to telling yourself all the things that got you to where you were when you began this mission. And that's what it is: a mission. (Fair warning: this will sound cheesy but it works) Imagine Christopher Columbus starting out for the new world. He gets a twelfth of the way there and decides to go back to Spain, just for a day because he needs a break. He would never have made it to the West if he thought that way. You have to continue looking for horizon- the new world where you are the person you want to be. I know what kind of strength you have and I know it's hard. Believe me, it's worth the work.
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