Friday, July 08, 2005

Day 12: MP3 Panic!

Another evening without a walk. I'm such a slacker. Actually there was no time. I did get out and do a little grocery shopping. I wouldn't suggest subsisting on them, because they are packed with sodium (seriously), but those little Buddig lunch meats aren't bad. A whole package has a decent amount of protein, next to no carbs and is only about 90 calories for beef and 120 calories for poultry.(half fat ). And people who aren't dieting can eat them too. And they are fairly cheap. So it's actually pretty good for the dieter with a family. I could, of course, be deluding myself about them, but they seem to be on the up and up... if used in moderation.

So Danny and I have planned our walk for tonight. it will probably be a long one too. It's really nice that he likes going on these with me. I had one small hiccup in my routine today when all of the music disappeared from my MP3 player. After a panic I did a disk clean up and it was all still there. I'm unable to walk without my music. HAHAHAHAHAHAHA

Got this blog in just under the wire. Crazy day...

I hope you all have a great weekend. For those of you who look at the web out of the work setting... talk to you tomorrow!



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